Computer Programming

Program Type: Face-to-Face, Fully Online
Program Level: Degrees, Online, Certificates
Department: Science and Technology
Institute: Science & Technology
College: SAC
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What is the Computer Programming program?

This degree plan helps prepare the student for an entry-level position in programming computers. Entry-level computer programmers can update, repair, modify, and expand existing programs, and progress to performing analysis, design, and development of new programs.  The programmer converts a computer-solution design - or design change into a logical series of instructions that the computer can follow.  The programmer codes these instructions in any of a number of programming languages (such as C++ and Python), depending on the need. 

What will I learn?

This degree plan includes the study of software program design and structured programming techniques since programmers have begun to assume some of the responsibilities that were once performed only by software engineers:  some computer programmers now assist software engineers in identifying user needs and designing certain parts of computer programs, as well as other functions.

What can I do with this course of study?

  • Computer Programmer
  • Software Engineer
  • Systems Analyst
  • Application Developer
  • PC Specialist
  • Microcomputer Application Specialist
This field continues to evolve quickly, reflecting changes in technology and new areas of specialization, as well as the changing practices of employers.

Contact Us

Troy Touchette
Department Chair
Nail Technical Center (NTC) 229
(210) 486-1050

Pete Ortega
Program Coordinator
NTC 221
(210) 486-1049

Laura A. Garcia
Administrative Services Specialist
NTC 229
(210) 486-1051